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isce3::cuda::signal::gpuCrossmul Class Reference

Public Member Functions

void crossmul (isce3::io::Raster &referenceSLC, isce3::io::Raster &secondarySLC, isce3::io::Raster &interferogram, isce3::io::Raster &coherence)
void crossmul (isce3::io::Raster &referenceSLC, isce3::io::Raster &secondarySLC, isce3::io::Raster &rngOffsetRaster, isce3::io::Raster &interferogram, isce3::io::Raster &coherenceRaster)
void doppler (isce3::core::LUT1d< double >, isce3::core::LUT1d< double >)
 Set doppler LUTs for reference and secondary SLCs.
void prf (double p_r_f)
 Set pulse repetition frequency (PRF)
void rangeSamplingFrequency (double rngSampV)
 Set range sampling frequency.
void rangeBandwidth (double rngBW)
 Set the range bandwidth.
void rangePixelSpacing (double rngPxl)
 Range pixel spacing.
void wavelength (double v)
 Set Wavelength.
void commonAzimuthBandwidth (double azBW)
 Set azimuth common bandwidth.
void beta (double b)
 Set beta parameter for the azimuth common band filter.
void rangeLooks (int rngLks)
 Set number of range looks.
void azimuthLooks (int azLks)
 Set number of azimuth looks.
void doCommonAzimuthBandFiltering (bool doAz)
 Set common azimuth band filtering flag.
void doCommonRangeBandFiltering (bool doRng)
 Set common range band filtering flag.

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