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isce3::geometry Namespace Reference

The isce3::geometry namespace. More...


class  DEMInterpolator
class  Geocode
class  Geo2rdr
 Transformer from map coordinates to radar geometry coordinates. More...
class  Topo
 Transformer from radar geometry coordinates to map coordinates with DEM / reference altitude. More...
class  TopoLayers


typedef OGRLinearRing Perimeter
 Same as GDAL's OGRLinearRing structure. More...
typedef OGREnvelope BoundingBox
 Same as GDAL's OGREnvelope structure. More...
typedef OGRTriangle Triangle
 Same as GDAL's OGRTriangle structure. More...


 Enumeration type to indicate the algorithm used for geocoding.
 Enumeration type to indicate memory management.
enum  rtcInputRadiometry { BETA_NAUGHT = 0, SIGMA_NAUGHT_ELLIPSOID = 1 }
 Enumeration type to indicate input terrain radiometry (for RTC)
enum  rtcMemoryMode { RTC_AUTO = 0, RTC_SINGLE_BLOCK = 1, RTC_BLOCKS_GEOGRID = 2 }
 Enumeration type to indicate memory management.
enum  rtcAreaMode { AREA = 0, AREA_FACTOR = 1 }
 Enumeration type to indicate RTC area mode (AREA or AREA_FACTOR)
enum  rtcAlgorithm { RTC_DAVID_SMALL = 0, RTC_AREA_PROJECTION = 1 }
 Enumeration type to select RTC algorithm (RTC_DAVID_SMALL or RTC_AREA_PROJECTION)


Perimeter getGeoPerimeter (const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters &radarGrid, const isce3::core::Orbit &orbit, const isce3::core::ProjectionBase *proj, const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &doppler={}, const DEMInterpolator &demInterp=DEMInterpolator(0.), const int pointsPerEdge=11, const double threshold=1.0e-8, const int numiter=15)
 Compute the perimeter of a radar grid in map coordinates. More...
BoundingBox getGeoBoundingBox (const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters &radarGrid, const isce3::core::Orbit &orbit, const isce3::core::ProjectionBase *proj, const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &doppler={}, const std::vector< double > &hgts={isce3::core::GLOBAL_MIN_HEIGHT, isce3::core::GLOBAL_MAX_HEIGHT}, const double margin=0.0, const int pointsPerEdge=11, const double threshold=1.0e-8, const int numiter=15, bool ignore_out_of_range_exception=false)
 Compute bounding box using min/ max altitude for quick estimates. More...
BoundingBox getGeoBoundingBoxHeightSearch (const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters &radarGrid, const isce3::core::Orbit &orbit, const isce3::core::ProjectionBase *proj, const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &doppler={}, double min_height=isce3::core::GLOBAL_MIN_HEIGHT, double max_height=isce3::core::GLOBAL_MAX_HEIGHT, const double margin=0.0, const int pointsPerEdge=11, const double threshold=1.0e-8, const int numiter=15, const double height_threshold=100)
 Compute bounding box with auto search within given min/ max height interval. More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
auto operator* (const std::complex< T1 > &lhs, const T2 &rhs)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
auto operator* (const T1 &lhs, const std::complex< T2 > &rhs)
template<typename T , typename T_out >
void _convertToOutputType (T a, T_out &b)
template<typename T , typename T_out >
void _convertToOutputType (std::complex< T > a, T_out &b)
template<typename T , typename T_out >
void _convertToOutputType (std::complex< T > a, std::complex< T_out > &b)
template<typename T , typename T_out >
void _accumulate (T_out &band_value, T a, double b)
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_complex ()
std::vector< float > getGeoAreaElementMean (const std::vector< double > &x_vect, const std::vector< double > &y_vect, const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters &radar_grid, const isce3::core::Orbit &orbit, const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &input_dop, isce3::io::Raster &input_raster, isce3::io::Raster &dem_raster, isce3::geometry::rtcInputRadiometry input_radiometry, int exponent, geocodeOutputMode output_mode, double geogrid_upsampling, float rtc_min_value_db, double abs_cal_factor, float radar_grid_nlooks, float *out_nlooks, isce3::core::dataInterpMethod interp_method, double threshold, int num_iter, double delta_range)
template<typename T >
std::vector< float > _getGeoAreaElementMean (const std::vector< double > &r_vect, const std::vector< double > &a_vect, int x_min, int y_min, isce3::core::Matrix< float > &rtc_area, const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters &radar_grid, isce3::io::Raster &input_raster, geocodeOutputMode output_mode, float rtc_min_value, float *out_nlooks, double abs_cal_factor, float radar_grid_nlooks)
int rdr2geo (double aztime, double slantRange, double doppler, const isce3::core::Orbit &orbit, const isce3::core::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid, const DEMInterpolator &demInterp, isce3::core::Vec3 &targetLLH, double wvl, isce3::core::LookSide side, double threshold, int maxIter, int extraIter)
 Radar geometry coordinates to map coordinates transformer. More...
int rdr2geo (const isce3::core::Pixel &pixel, const isce3::core::Basis &TCNbasis, const isce3::core::Vec3 &pos, const isce3::core::Vec3 &vel, const isce3::core::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid, const DEMInterpolator &demInterp, isce3::core::Vec3 &targetLLH, isce3::core::LookSide side, double threshold, int maxIter, int extraIter)
 Radar geometry coordinates to map coordinates transformer. More...
int rdr2geo (const isce3::core::Vec3 &radarXYZ, const isce3::core::Vec3 &axis, double angle, double range, const DEMInterpolator &dem, isce3::core::Vec3 &targetXYZ, isce3::core::LookSide side, double threshold, int maxIter, int extraIter)
 "Cone" interface to rdr2geo. More...
int geo2rdr (const isce3::core::Vec3 &inputLLH, const isce3::core::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid, const isce3::core::Orbit &orbit, const isce3::core::Poly2d &doppler, double &aztime, double &slantRange, double wavelength, double startingRange, double rangePixelSpacing, size_t rwidth, isce3::core::LookSide side, double threshold, int maxIter, double deltaRange)
 Map coordinates to radar geometry coordinates transformer. More...
int geo2rdr (const isce3::core::Vec3 &inputLLH, const isce3::core::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid, const isce3::core::Orbit &orbit, const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &doppler, double &aztime, double &slantRange, double wavelength, isce3::core::LookSide side, double threshold, int maxIter, double deltaRange)
 Map coordinates to radar geometry coordinates transformer. More...
void computeDEMBounds (const isce3::core::Orbit &orbit, const isce3::core::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid, const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &doppler, const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters &radarGrid, size_t xoff, size_t yoff, size_t xsize, size_t ysize, double margin, double &min_lon, double &min_lat, double &max_lon, double &max_lat)
 Utility function to compute geographic bounds for a radar grid. More...
template<class T >
double _compute_doppler_aztime_diff (isce3::core::Vec3 dr, isce3::core::Vec3 satvel, T &doppler, double wavelength, double aztime, double slantRange, double deltaRange)
int _omp_thread_count ()
template<typename T >
void _applyRTC (isce3::io::Raster &input_raster, isce3::io::Raster &input_rtc, isce3::io::Raster &output_raster, float rtc_min_value, double abs_cal_factor, pyre::journal::info_t &info, bool flag_complex_to_real_squared)
void applyRTC (const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters &radarGrid, const isce3::core::Orbit &orbit, const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &dop, isce3::io::Raster &input_raster, isce3::io::Raster &dem_raster, isce3::io::Raster &output_raster, rtcInputRadiometry inputRadiometry=rtcInputRadiometry::BETA_NAUGHT, int exponent=0, rtcAreaMode rtc_area_mode=rtcAreaMode::AREA_FACTOR, rtcAlgorithm rtc_algorithm=rtcAlgorithm::RTC_AREA_PROJECTION, double geogrid_upsampling=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), float rtc_min_value_db=std::numeric_limits< float >::quiet_NaN(), double abs_cal_factor=1, float radar_grid_nlooks=1, isce3::io::Raster *out_nlooks=nullptr, isce3::io::Raster *input_rtc=nullptr, isce3::io::Raster *output_rtc=nullptr, rtcMemoryMode rtc_memory_mode=rtcMemoryMode::RTC_AUTO)
 Apply radiometric terrain correction (RTC) over an input raster. More...
double computeUpsamplingFactor (const DEMInterpolator &dem_interp, const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters &radar_grid, const isce3::core::Ellipsoid &ellps)
int areaProjGetNBlocks (int array_length, pyre::journal::info_t *channel, int upsampling, int *block_length_with_upsampling, int *block_length, int min_block_length, int max_block_length)
void facetRTC (isce3::product::Product &product, isce3::io::Raster &dem_raster, isce3::io::Raster &output_raster, char frequency= 'A', bool native_doppler=false, rtcInputRadiometry inputRadiometry=rtcInputRadiometry::BETA_NAUGHT, rtcAreaMode rtc_area_mode=rtcAreaMode::AREA_FACTOR, rtcAlgorithm rtc_algorithm=rtcAlgorithm::RTC_AREA_PROJECTION, double geogrid_upsampling=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), float rtc_min_value_db=std::numeric_limits< float >::quiet_NaN(), size_t nlooks_az=1, size_t nlooks_rg=1, isce3::io::Raster *out_nlooks=nullptr, rtcMemoryMode rtc_memory_mode=rtcMemoryMode::RTC_AUTO)
 Generate radiometric terrain correction (RTC) area or area factor. More...
void facetRTC (const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters &radarGrid, const isce3::core::Orbit &orbit, const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &dop, isce3::io::Raster &dem, isce3::io::Raster &output_raster, rtcInputRadiometry inputRadiometry=rtcInputRadiometry::BETA_NAUGHT, rtcAreaMode rtc_area_mode=rtcAreaMode::AREA_FACTOR, rtcAlgorithm rtc_algorithm=rtcAlgorithm::RTC_AREA_PROJECTION, double geogrid_upsampling=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), float rtc_min_value_db=std::numeric_limits< float >::quiet_NaN(), float radar_grid_nlooks=1, isce3::io::Raster *out_nlooks=nullptr, rtcMemoryMode rtc_memory_mode=rtcMemoryMode::RTC_AUTO, isce3::core::dataInterpMethod interp_method=isce3::core::dataInterpMethod::BIQUINTIC_METHOD, double threshold=1e-4, int num_iter=100, double delta_range=1e-4)
 Generate radiometric terrain correction (RTC) area or area factor. More...
void facetRTC (isce3::io::Raster &dem_raster, isce3::io::Raster &output_raster, const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters &radarGrid, const isce3::core::Orbit &orbit, const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &dop, const double y0, const double dy, const double x0, const double dx, const int geogrid_length, const int geogrid_width, const int epsg, rtcInputRadiometry inputRadiometry=rtcInputRadiometry::BETA_NAUGHT, rtcAreaMode rtc_area_mode=rtcAreaMode::AREA_FACTOR, rtcAlgorithm rtc_algorithm=rtcAlgorithm::RTC_AREA_PROJECTION, double geogrid_upsampling=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), float rtc_min_value_db=std::numeric_limits< float >::quiet_NaN(), float radar_grid_nlooks=1, isce3::io::Raster *out_geo_vertices=nullptr, isce3::io::Raster *out_geo_grid=nullptr, isce3::io::Raster *out_nlooks=nullptr, rtcMemoryMode rtc_memory_mode=rtcMemoryMode::RTC_AUTO, isce3::core::dataInterpMethod interp_method=isce3::core::dataInterpMethod::BIQUINTIC_METHOD, double threshold=1e-4, int num_iter=100, double delta_range=1e-4)
 Generate radiometric terrain correction (RTC) area or area factor. More...
void areaProjIntegrateSegment (double y1, double y2, double x1, double x2, int length, int width, isce3::core::Matrix< double > &w_arr, double &nlooks, int plane_orientation)
void _addArea (double area, isce3::core::Matrix< float > &out_array, float radar_grid_nlooks, isce3::core::Matrix< float > &out_nlooks_array, int length, int width, int x_min, int y_min, int size_x, int size_y, isce3::core::Matrix< double > &w_arr, double nlooks, isce3::core::Matrix< double > &w_arr_out, double &nlooks_out, double x_center, double x_left, double x_right, double y_center, double y_left, double y_right, int plane_orientation)
double computeFacet (Vec3 xyz_center, Vec3 xyz_left, Vec3 xyz_right, Vec3 lookXYZ, double p1, double &p3, double divisor, bool clockwise_direction)
void facetRTCDavidSmall (isce3::io::Raster &dem_raster, isce3::io::Raster &output_raster, const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters &radarGrid, const isce3::core::Orbit &orbit, const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &dop, const double y0, const double dy, const double x0, const double dx, const int geogrid_length, const int geogrid_width, const int epsg, rtcInputRadiometry inputRadiometry=rtcInputRadiometry::BETA_NAUGHT, rtcAreaMode rtc_area_mode=rtcAreaMode::AREA_FACTOR, double geogrid_upsampling=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN())
 Generate radiometric terrain correction (RTC) area or area factor using the David Small algorithm. More...
void _RunBlock (const int jmax, int block_size, int block_size_with_upsampling, int block, int &numdone, int progress_block, double geogrid_upsampling, isce3::core::dataInterpMethod interp_method, isce3::io::Raster &dem_raster, isce3::io::Raster *out_geo_vertices, isce3::io::Raster *out_geo_grid, const double start, const double pixazm, const double dr, double r0, int xbound, int ybound, const double y0, const double dy, const double x0, const double dx, const int geogrid_length, const int geogrid_width, const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters &radar_grid, const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &dop, const isce3::core::Ellipsoid &ellipsoid, const isce3::core::Orbit &orbit, double threshold, int num_iter, double delta_range, isce3::core::Matrix< float > &out_array, isce3::core::Matrix< float > &out_nlooks_array, isce3::core::ProjectionBase *proj, rtcAreaMode rtc_area_mode, rtcInputRadiometry input_radiometry, float radar_grid_nlooks)
void facetRTCAreaProj (isce3::io::Raster &dem, isce3::io::Raster &output_raster, const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters &radarGrid, const isce3::core::Orbit &orbit, const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &dop, const double y0, const double dy, const double x0, const double dx, const int geogrid_length, const int geogrid_width, const int epsg, rtcInputRadiometry inputRadiometry=rtcInputRadiometry::BETA_NAUGHT, rtcAreaMode rtc_area_mode=rtcAreaMode::AREA_FACTOR, double geogrid_upsampling=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), float rtc_min_value_db=std::numeric_limits< float >::quiet_NaN(), float radar_grid_nlooks=1, isce3::io::Raster *out_geo_vertices=nullptr, isce3::io::Raster *out_geo_grid=nullptr, isce3::io::Raster *out_nlooks=nullptr, rtcMemoryMode rtc_memory_mode=rtcMemoryMode::RTC_AUTO, isce3::core::dataInterpMethod interp_method=isce3::core::dataInterpMethod::BIQUINTIC_METHOD, double threshold=1e-4, int num_iter=100, double delta_range=1e-4)
 Generate radiometric terrain correction (RTC) area or area factor using the area projection algorithms. More...
std::string get_input_radiometry_str (rtcInputRadiometry input_radiometry)
 Convert enum input_radiometry to string.
std::string get_rtc_area_mode_str (rtcAreaMode rtc_area_mode)
 Convert enum output_mode to string.
std::string get_rtc_algorithm_str (rtcAlgorithm rtc_algorithm)
 Convert enum output_mode to string.
void print_parameters (pyre::journal::info_t &channel, const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters &radar_grid, const double y0, const double dy, const double x0, const double dx, const int geogrid_length, const int geogrid_width, rtcInputRadiometry input_radiometry, rtcAreaMode rtc_area_mode, double geogrid_upsampling, float rtc_min_value_db)
template<typename T >
void load_archive (std::string metadata, char *objectTag, T *object)
template<class Archive >
void save (Archive &, const Topo &)
template<class Archive >
void load (Archive &archive, Topo &topo)
template<class Archive >
void save (Archive &, const Geo2rdr &)
template<class Archive >
void load (Archive &archive, Geo2rdr &geo)

Detailed Description

The isce3::geometry namespace.

Typedef Documentation

typedef OGREnvelope isce3::geometry::BoundingBox

Same as GDAL's OGREnvelope structure.


typedef OGRLinearRing isce3::geometry::Perimeter

Same as GDAL's OGRLinearRing structure.


typedef OGRTriangle isce3::geometry::Triangle

Same as GDAL's OGRTriangle structure.


Function Documentation

void isce3::geometry::applyRTC ( const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters radarGrid,
const isce3::core::Orbit orbit,
const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &  dop,
isce3::io::Raster input_raster,
isce3::io::Raster dem_raster,
isce3::io::Raster output_raster,
rtcInputRadiometry  inputRadiometry = rtcInputRadiometry::BETA_NAUGHT,
int  exponent = 0,
rtcAreaMode  rtc_area_mode = rtcAreaMode::AREA_FACTOR,
rtcAlgorithm  rtc_algorithm = rtcAlgorithm::RTC_AREA_PROJECTION,
double  geogrid_upsampling = std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(),
float  rtc_min_value_db = std::numeric_limits< float >::quiet_NaN(),
double  abs_cal_factor = 1,
float  radar_grid_nlooks = 1,
isce3::io::Raster out_nlooks = nullptr,
isce3::io::Raster input_rtc = nullptr,
isce3::io::Raster output_rtc = nullptr,
rtcMemoryMode  rtc_memory_mode = rtcMemoryMode::RTC_AUTO 

Apply radiometric terrain correction (RTC) over an input raster.

[in]radarGridRadar Grid
[in]input_dopDoppler LUT
[in]input_rasterInput raster
[in]dem_rasterInput DEM raster
[out]output_rasterOutput raster
[in]input_radiometryTerrain radiometry of the input raster
[in]exponentExponent to be applied to the input data. The value 0 indicates that the the exponent is based on the data type of the input raster (1 for real and 2 for complex rasters).
[in]rtc_area_modeRTC area mode (AREA or AREA_FACTOR)
[in]rtc_algorithmRTC algorithm (RTC_DAVID_SMALL or RTC_AREA_PROJECTION)
[in]geogrid_upsamplingGeogrid upsampling (in each direction)
[in]rtc_min_value_dbMinimum value for the RTC area factor. Radar data with RTC area factor below this limit are ignored.
[in]abs_cal_factorAbsolute calibration factor.
[in]radar_grid_nlooksRadar grid number of looks. This parameters determines the multilooking factor used to compute out_nlooks.
[out]out_nlooksRaster to which the number of radar-grid looks associated with the geogrid will be saved
[in]input_rtcRaster containing pre-computed RTC area factor
[out]output_rtcOutput RTC area factor
[in]rtc_memory_modeSelect memory mode
void isce3::geometry::computeDEMBounds ( const isce3::core::Orbit orbit,
const isce3::core::Ellipsoid ellipsoid,
const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &  doppler,
const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters radarGrid,
size_t  xoff,
size_t  yoff,
size_t  xsize,
size_t  ysize,
double  margin,
double &  min_lon,
double &  min_lat,
double &  max_lon,
double &  max_lat 

Utility function to compute geographic bounds for a radar grid.

[in]orbitOrbit object
[in]ellipsoidEllipsoid object
[in]dopplerLUT2d doppler object
[in]lookSideLeft or Right
[in]radarGridRadarGridParameters object
[in]xoffColumn index of radar subwindow
[in]yoffRow index of radar subwindow
[in]xsizeNumber of columns of radar subwindow
[in]ysizeNumber of rows of radar subwindiw
[in]marginPadding of extracted DEM (radians)
[out]min_lonMinimum longitude of geographic region (radians)
[out]min_latMinimum latitude of geographic region (radians)
[out]max_lonMaximum longitude of geographic region (radians)
[out]max_latMaximum latitude of geographic region (radians)
void isce3::geometry::facetRTC ( isce3::product::Product product,
isce3::io::Raster dem_raster,
isce3::io::Raster output_raster,
char  frequency = 'A',
bool  native_doppler = false,
rtcInputRadiometry  inputRadiometry = rtcInputRadiometry::BETA_NAUGHT,
rtcAreaMode  rtc_area_mode = rtcAreaMode::AREA_FACTOR,
rtcAlgorithm  rtc_algorithm = rtcAlgorithm::RTC_AREA_PROJECTION,
double  geogrid_upsampling = std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(),
float  rtc_min_value_db = std::numeric_limits< float >::quiet_NaN(),
size_t  nlooks_az = 1,
size_t  nlooks_rg = 1,
isce3::io::Raster out_nlooks = nullptr,
rtcMemoryMode  rtc_memory_mode = rtcMemoryMode::RTC_AUTO 

Generate radiometric terrain correction (RTC) area or area factor.

[in]dem_rasterInput DEM raster
[out]output_rasterOutput raster
[in]frequencyProduct frequency
[in]native_dopplerUse native doppler
[in]input_radiometryTerrain radiometry of the input raster
[in]rtc_area_modeRTC area mode (AREA or AREA_FACTOR)
[in]rtc_algorithmRTC algorithm (RTC_DAVID_SMALL or RTC_AREA_PROJECTION)
[in]geogrid_upsamplingGeogrid upsampling (in each direction)
[in]rtc_min_value_dbMinimum value for the RTC area factor. Radar data with RTC area factor below this limit are ignored.
[in]nlooks_azNumber of azimuth looks.
[in]nlooks_rgNumber of range looks.
[out]out_nlooksRaster to which the number of radar-grid
[in]rtc_memory_modeSelect memory mode looks associated with the geogrid will be saved
void isce3::geometry::facetRTC ( const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters radarGrid,
const isce3::core::Orbit orbit,
const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &  dop,
isce3::io::Raster dem,
isce3::io::Raster output_raster,
rtcInputRadiometry  inputRadiometry = rtcInputRadiometry::BETA_NAUGHT,
rtcAreaMode  rtc_area_mode = rtcAreaMode::AREA_FACTOR,
rtcAlgorithm  rtc_algorithm = rtcAlgorithm::RTC_AREA_PROJECTION,
double  geogrid_upsampling = std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(),
float  rtc_min_value_db = std::numeric_limits< float >::quiet_NaN(),
float  radar_grid_nlooks = 1,
isce3::io::Raster out_nlooks = nullptr,
rtcMemoryMode  rtc_memory_mode = rtcMemoryMode::RTC_AUTO,
isce3::core::dataInterpMethod  interp_method = isce3::core::dataInterpMethod::BIQUINTIC_METHOD,
double  threshold = 1e-4,
int  num_iter = 100,
double  delta_range = 1e-4 

Generate radiometric terrain correction (RTC) area or area factor.

[in]dem_rasterInput DEM raster
[out]output_rasterOutput raster
[in]frequencyProduct frequency
[in]input_radiometryTerrain radiometry of the input raster
[in]rtc_area_modeRTC area mode (AREA or AREA_FACTOR)
[in]rtc_algorithmRTC algorithm (RTC_DAVID_SMALL or RTC_AREA_PROJECTION)
[in]geogrid_upsamplingGeogrid upsampling (in each direction)
[in]rtc_min_value_dbMinimum value for the RTC area factor. Radar data with RTC area factor below this limit are ignored.
[in]radar_grid_nlooksRadar grid number of looks. This parameters determines the multilooking factor used to compute out_nlooks.
[out]out_nlooksRaster to which the number of radar-grid looks associated with the geogrid will be saved
[in]rtc_memory_modeSelect memory mode
[in]interp_methodInterpolation Method
[in]thresholdDistance threshold for convergence
[in]num_iterMaximum number of Newton-Raphson iterations
[in]delta_rangeStep size used for computing derivative of doppler
void isce3::geometry::facetRTC ( isce3::io::Raster dem_raster,
isce3::io::Raster output_raster,
const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters radarGrid,
const isce3::core::Orbit orbit,
const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &  dop,
const double  y0,
const double  dy,
const double  x0,
const double  dx,
const int  geogrid_length,
const int  geogrid_width,
const int  epsg,
rtcInputRadiometry  inputRadiometry = rtcInputRadiometry::BETA_NAUGHT,
rtcAreaMode  rtc_area_mode = rtcAreaMode::AREA_FACTOR,
rtcAlgorithm  rtc_algorithm = rtcAlgorithm::RTC_AREA_PROJECTION,
double  geogrid_upsampling = std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(),
float  rtc_min_value_db = std::numeric_limits< float >::quiet_NaN(),
float  radar_grid_nlooks = 1,
isce3::io::Raster out_geo_vertices = nullptr,
isce3::io::Raster out_geo_grid = nullptr,
isce3::io::Raster out_nlooks = nullptr,
rtcMemoryMode  rtc_memory_mode = rtcMemoryMode::RTC_AUTO,
isce3::core::dataInterpMethod  interp_method = isce3::core::dataInterpMethod::BIQUINTIC_METHOD,
double  threshold = 1e-4,
int  num_iter = 100,
double  delta_range = 1e-4 

Generate radiometric terrain correction (RTC) area or area factor.

[in]dem_rasterInput DEM raster
[out]output_rasterOutput raster
[in]radarGridRadar Grid
[in]input_dopDoppler LUT
[in]y0Starting northing position
[in]dyNorthing step size
[in]x0Starting easting position
[in]dxEasting step size
[in]geogrid_lengthGeographic length (number of pixels) in the Northing direction
[in]geogrid_widthGeographic width (number of pixels) in the Easting direction
[in]epsgOutput geographic grid EPSG
[in]input_radiometryTerrain radiometry of the input raster
[in]rtc_area_modeRTC area mode (AREA or AREA_FACTOR)
[in]rtc_algorithmRTC algorithm (RTC_DAVID_SMALL or RTC_AREA_PROJECTION)
[in]geogrid_upsamplingGeogrid upsampling (in each direction)
[in]rtc_min_value_dbMinimum value for the RTC area factor. Radar data with RTC area factor below this limit are ignored.
[in]radar_grid_nlooksRadar grid number of looks. This parameters determines the multilooking factor used to compute out_nlooks.
[out]out_geo_verticesRaster to which the radar-grid positions (range and azimuth) of the geogrid pixels vertices will be saved.
[out]out_geo_gridRaster to which the radar-grid positions (range and azimuth) of the geogrid pixels center will be saved.
[out]out_nlooksRaster to which the number of radar-grid looks associated with the geogrid will be saved
[in]rtc_memory_modeSelect memory mode
[in]interp_methodInterpolation Method
[in]thresholdDistance threshold for convergence
[in]num_iterMaximum number of Newton-Raphson iterations
[in]delta_rangeStep size used for computing derivative of doppler
void isce3::geometry::facetRTCAreaProj ( isce3::io::Raster dem,
isce3::io::Raster output_raster,
const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters radarGrid,
const isce3::core::Orbit orbit,
const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &  dop,
const double  y0,
const double  dy,
const double  x0,
const double  dx,
const int  geogrid_length,
const int  geogrid_width,
const int  epsg,
rtcInputRadiometry  inputRadiometry = rtcInputRadiometry::BETA_NAUGHT,
rtcAreaMode  rtc_area_mode = rtcAreaMode::AREA_FACTOR,
double  geogrid_upsampling = std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(),
float  rtc_min_value_db = std::numeric_limits< float >::quiet_NaN(),
float  radar_grid_nlooks = 1,
isce3::io::Raster out_geo_vertices = nullptr,
isce3::io::Raster out_geo_grid = nullptr,
isce3::io::Raster out_nlooks = nullptr,
rtcMemoryMode  rtc_memory_mode = rtcMemoryMode::RTC_AUTO,
isce3::core::dataInterpMethod  interp_method = isce3::core::dataInterpMethod::BIQUINTIC_METHOD,
double  threshold = 1e-4,
int  num_iter = 100,
double  delta_range = 1e-4 

Generate radiometric terrain correction (RTC) area or area factor using the area projection algorithms.

[in]dem_rasterInput DEM raster
[out]output_rasterOutput raster
[in]radarGridRadar Grid
[in]input_dopDoppler LUT
[in]y0Starting easting position
[in]input_dopDoppler LUT
[in]y0Starting northing position
[in]dyNorthing step size
[in]x0Starting easting position
[in]dxEasting step size
[in]geogrid_lengthGeographic length (number of pixels) in the Northing direction
[in]geogrid_widthGeographic width (number of pixels) in the Easting direction
[in]epsgOutput geographic grid EPSG
[in]input_radiometryTerrain radiometry of the input raster
[in]rtc_area_modeRTC area mode (AREA or AREA_FACTOR)
[in]geogrid_upsamplingGeogrid upsampling (in each direction)
[in]rtc_min_value_dbMinimum value for the RTC area factor. Radar data with RTC area factor below this limit are ignored.
[in]radar_grid_nlooksRadar grid number of looks. This parameters determines the multilooking factor used to compute out_nlooks.
[out]out_geo_verticesRaster to which the radar-grid positions (range and azimuth) of the geogrid pixels vertices will be saved.
[out]out_geo_gridRaster to which the radar-grid positions (range and azimuth) of the geogrid pixels center will be saved.
[out]out_nlooksRaster to which the number of radar-grid looks associated with the geogrid will be saved
[in]rtc_memory_modeSelect memory mode
[in]interp_methodInterpolation Method
[in]thresholdDistance threshold for convergence
[in]num_iterMaximum number of Newton-Raphson iterations
[in]delta_rangeStep size used for computing derivative of doppler
void isce3::geometry::facetRTCDavidSmall ( isce3::io::Raster dem_raster,
isce3::io::Raster output_raster,
const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters radarGrid,
const isce3::core::Orbit orbit,
const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &  dop,
const double  y0,
const double  dy,
const double  x0,
const double  dx,
const int  geogrid_length,
const int  geogrid_width,
const int  epsg,
rtcInputRadiometry  inputRadiometry = rtcInputRadiometry::BETA_NAUGHT,
rtcAreaMode  rtc_area_mode = rtcAreaMode::AREA_FACTOR,
double  geogrid_upsampling = std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN() 

Generate radiometric terrain correction (RTC) area or area factor using the David Small algorithm.

[in]dem_rasterInput DEM raster
[out]output_rasterOutput raster
[in]radarGridRadar Grid
[in]input_dopDoppler LUT
[in]y0Starting northing position
[in]dyNorthing step size
[in]x0Starting easting position
[in]dxEasting step size
[in]geogrid_lengthGeographic length (number of pixels) in the Northing direction
[in]geogrid_widthGeographic width (number of pixels) in the Easting direction
[in]epsgOutput geographic grid EPSG
[in]input_radiometryTerrain radiometry of the input raster
[in]rtc_area_modeRTC area mode (AREA or AREA_FACTOR)
[in]geogrid_upsamplingGeogrid upsampling (in each direction)
int isce3::geometry::geo2rdr ( const isce3::core::Vec3 inputLLH,
const isce3::core::Ellipsoid ellipsoid,
const isce3::core::Orbit orbit,
const isce3::core::Poly2d doppler,
double &  aztime,
double &  slantRange,
double  wavelength,
double  startingRange,
double  rangePixelSpacing,
size_t  rwidth,
isce3::core::LookSide  side,
double  threshold,
int  maxIter,
double  deltaRange 

Map coordinates to radar geometry coordinates transformer.

This is the elementary transformation from map geometry to radar geometry. The transformation is applicable for a single lon/lat/h coordinate (i.e., a single point target). For algorithmic details, see geometry overview.

[in]inputLLHLon/Lat/Hae of target of interest
[in]ellipsoidEllipsoid object
[in]orbitOrbit object
[in]dopplerPoly2D Doppler model
[out]aztimeazimuth time of inputLLH w.r.t reference epoch of the orbit
[out]slantRangeslant range to inputLLH
[in]wavelengthRadar wavelength
[in]startingRangeStarting slant range of reference image
[in]rangePixelSpacingSlant range pixel spacing
[in]rwidthWidth (number of samples) of reference image
[in]sideLeft or Right
[in]thresholdazimuth time convergence threshold in seconds
[in]maxIterMaximum number of Newton-Raphson iterations
[in]deltaRangestep size used for computing derivative of doppler
int isce3::geometry::geo2rdr ( const isce3::core::Vec3 inputLLH,
const isce3::core::Ellipsoid ellipsoid,
const isce3::core::Orbit orbit,
const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &  doppler,
double &  aztime,
double &  slantRange,
double  wavelength,
isce3::core::LookSide  side,
double  threshold,
int  maxIter,
double  deltaRange 

Map coordinates to radar geometry coordinates transformer.

This is the elementary transformation from map geometry to radar geometry. The transformation is applicable for a single lon/lat/h coordinate (i.e., a single point target). For algorithmic details, see geometry overview.

[in]inputLLHLon/Lat/Hae of target of interest
[in]ellipsoidEllipsoid object
[in]orbitOrbit object
[in]dopplerLUT2d Doppler model
[out]aztimeazimuth time of inputLLH w.r.t reference epoch of the orbit
[out]slantRangeslant range to inputLLH
[in]wavelengthRadar wavelength
[in]sideLeft or Right
[in]thresholdazimuth time convergence threshold in seconds
[in]maxIterMaximum number of Newton-Raphson iterations
[in]deltaRangestep size used for computing derivative of doppler
isce3::geometry::BoundingBox isce3::geometry::getGeoBoundingBox ( const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters radarGrid,
const isce3::core::Orbit orbit,
const isce3::core::ProjectionBase proj,
const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &  doppler = {},
const std::vector< double > &  hgts = {isce3::core::GLOBAL_MIN_HEIGHTisce3::core::GLOBAL_MAX_HEIGHT},
const double  margin = 0.0,
const int  pointsPerEdge = 11,
const double  threshold = 1.0e-8,
const int  numiter = 15,
bool  ignore_out_of_range_exception = false 

Compute bounding box using min/ max altitude for quick estimates.

[in]radarGridRadarGridParameters object
[in]orbitOrbit object
[in]projProjectionBase object indicating desired projection of output.
[in]dopplerLUT2d doppler model
[in]hgtsVector of heights to use for the scene
[in]marginMarging to add to estimated bounding box in decimal degrees
[in]pointsPerEgeNumber of points to use on each edge of radar grid
[in]thresholdSlant range threshold for convergence
[in]numiterMax number of iterations for convergence

The output of this method is an OGREnvelope.

isce3::geometry::BoundingBox isce3::geometry::getGeoBoundingBoxHeightSearch ( const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters radarGrid,
const isce3::core::Orbit orbit,
const isce3::core::ProjectionBase proj,
const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &  doppler = {},
double  min_height = isce3::core::GLOBAL_MIN_HEIGHT,
double  max_height = isce3::core::GLOBAL_MAX_HEIGHT,
const double  margin = 0.0,
const int  pointsPerEdge = 11,
const double  threshold = 1.0e-8,
const int  numiter = 15,
const double  height_threshold = 100 

Compute bounding box with auto search within given min/ max height interval.

[in]radarGridRadarGridParameters object
[in]orbitOrbit object
[in]projProjectionBase object indicating desired projection of output.
[in]dopplerLUT2d doppler model
[in]minHeightHeight lower bound
[in]maxHeightHeight upper bound
[in]marginMarging to add to estimated bounding box in decimal degrees
[in]pointsPerEgeNumber of points to use on each edge of radar grid
[in]thresholdSlant range threshold for convergence
[in]numiterMax number of iterations for convergence
[in]height_thresholdHeight threshold for convergence The output of this method is an OGREnvelope.
isce3::geometry::Perimeter isce3::geometry::getGeoPerimeter ( const isce3::product::RadarGridParameters radarGrid,
const isce3::core::Orbit orbit,
const isce3::core::ProjectionBase proj,
const isce3::core::LUT2d< double > &  doppler = {},
const DEMInterpolator &  demInterp = DEMInterpolator(0.),
const int  pointsPerEdge = 11,
const double  threshold = 1.0e-8,
const int  numiter = 15 

Compute the perimeter of a radar grid in map coordinates.

[in]radarGridRadarGridParameters object
[in]orbitOrbit object
[in]projProjectionBase object indicating desired projection of output.
[in]dopplerLUT2d doppler model
[in]demInterpDEM Interpolator
[in]pointsPerEgeNumber of points to use on each edge of radar grid
[in]thresholdSlant range threshold for convergence
[in]numiterMax number of iterations for convergence

The outputs of this method is an OGRLinearRing. Transformer from radar geometry coordinates to map coordiantes with a DEM The sequence of walking the perimeter is always in the following order :

  • Start at Early Time, Near Range edge. Always the first point of the polygon.
  • From there, Walk along the Early Time edge to Early Time, Far Range.
  • From there, walk along the Far Range edge to Late Time, Far Range.
  • From there, walk along the Late Time edge to Late Time, Near Range.
  • From there, walk along the Near Range edge back to Early Time, Near Range.
int isce3::geometry::rdr2geo ( double  aztime,
double  slantRange,
double  doppler,
const isce3::core::Orbit orbit,
const isce3::core::Ellipsoid ellipsoid,
const DEMInterpolator &  demInterp,
isce3::core::Vec3 targetLLH,
double  wvl,
isce3::core::LookSide  side,
double  threshold,
int  maxIter,
int  extraIter 

Radar geometry coordinates to map coordinates transformer.

This is meant to be the light version of isce3::geometry::Topo and not meant to be used for processing large number of targets of interest. Note that doppler and wavelength are meant for completeness and this method can be used with both Native and Zero Doppler geometries. For details of the algorithm, see the geometry overview.

[in]aztimeazimuth time corresponding to line of interest
[in]slantRangeslant range corresponding to pixel of interest
[in]dopplerdoppler model value corresponding to line,pixel
[in]orbitOrbit object
[in]ellipsoidEllipsoid object
[in]demInterpDEMInterpolator object
[out]targetLLHoutput Lon/Lat/Hae corresponding to aztime and slantRange
[in]wvlimaging wavelength
[in]sideLeft or Right.
[in]thresholdDistance threshold for convergence
[in]maxIterNumber of primary iterations
[in]extraIterNumber of secondary iterations
int isce3::geometry::rdr2geo ( const isce3::core::Pixel pixel,
const isce3::core::Basis TCNbasis,
const isce3::core::Vec3 pos,
const isce3::core::Vec3 vel,
const isce3::core::Ellipsoid ellipsoid,
const DEMInterpolator &  demInterp,
isce3::core::Vec3 targetLLH,
isce3::core::LookSide  side,
double  threshold,
int  maxIter,
int  extraIter 

Radar geometry coordinates to map coordinates transformer.

This is the elementary transformation from radar geometry to map geometry. The transformation is applicable for a single slant range and azimuth time (i.e., a single point target). The slant range and Doppler information are encapsulated in the Pixel object, so this function can work for both zero and native Doppler geometries. The azimuth time information is encapsulated in the TCNbasis and StateVector of the platform. For algorithmic details, see geometry overview.

[in]pixelPixel object
[in]TCNbasisGeocentric TCN basis corresponding to pixel
[in]pos/velposition and velocity as Vec3 objects
[in]ellipsoidEllipsoid object
[in]demInterpDEMInterpolator object
[out]targetLLHoutput Lon/Lat/Hae corresponding to pixel
[in]sideLeft or Right
[in]thresholdDistance threshold for convergence
[in]maxIterNumber of primary iterations
[in]extraIterNumber of secondary iterations
int isce3::geometry::rdr2geo ( const isce3::core::Vec3 radarXYZ,
const isce3::core::Vec3 axis,
double  angle,
double  range,
const DEMInterpolator &  dem,
isce3::core::Vec3 targetXYZ,
isce3::core::LookSide  side,
double  threshold,
int  maxIter,
int  extraIter 

"Cone" interface to rdr2geo.

Solve for target position given radar position, range, and cone angle. The cone is described by a generating axis and the complement of the angle to that axis (e.g., angle=0 means a plane perpendicular to the axis). The vertex of the cone is at the radar position, as is the center of the range sphere.

Typically axis is the velocity vector and angle is the squint angle. However, with this interface you can also set axis equal to the long axis of the antenna, in which case angle is an azimuth angle. In this manner one can determine where the antenna boresight intersects the ground at a given range and therefore determine the Doppler from pointing.

[in]radarXYZPosition of antenna phase center, meters ECEF XYZ.
[in]axisCone generating axis (typically velocity), ECEF XYZ.
[in]angleComplement of cone angle, radians.
[in]rangeRange to target, meters.
[in]demDigital elevation model, meters above ellipsoid,
[out]targetXYZTarget position, ECEF XYZ.
[in]sideRadar look direction
[in]thresholdRange convergence threshold, meters.
[in]maxIterMaximum iterations.
[in]extraIterAdditional iterations.
non-zero when iterations successfully converge.

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