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Geometry Tutorial

Table of Contents

Include headers

In general, one only needs to include the following headerfiles.

#include "isce3/core/Orbit.h"

If one is looking to use this with other features from ISCE, you might need additional appropriate header files.


isce3::core::Orbit is at the heart of all geometric manipulation in ISCE. This is just a time-tagged collection of state vectors. In this example, we will just walk through an example of constructing an Orbit object with a list of time-tagged position and velocity state vectors.

#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::ifstream ifid("input_orbit.txt");
std::string line;
while(std::getline(ifid, line))
std::stringstream stream;
std::string aztime;
stream << line;
std::cout << line << "\n";
stream >> aztime >> pos[0] >> pos[1] >> pos[2] >> vel[0] >> vel[1] >> vel[2];
//Create StateVector Object
sv.datetime = aztime; //ISO-8601 format
sv.position = pos;
sv.velocity = vel;
//Add state vector to orbit
//Assume that the state vectors are sorted on input.
//Prepare orbit object for computations
orbit.reformatOrbit( orbit.stateVectors[0].date());
//Print orbit for debugging
return 0;

The "input_orbit.txt" file looks like

2016-04-08T09:13:13.000000 -3752316.976337 4925051.878499 3417259.473609 3505.330104 -1842.136554 6482.122476
2016-04-08T09:13:23.000000 -3717067.52658 4906329.056304 3481886.455117 3544.479224 -1902.402281 6443.152265

In the above example, we used a 7-column text file with datetime in ISO-8601 format, ECEF position (m) and ECEF velocity (m/s). Similar readers can be easily written to parse state vector information in other formats like HDF5, XML etc.

Forward mapping - determining bounding boxes

In this example, we will demonstrate the forward mapping algorithm by using it to determine approximate bounding boxes on the ground. See geometry overview for details on the implemented algorithm.

#include "isce3/core/LookSide.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//Read in orbit from file
//Create WGS84 ellipsoid
isce3::core::Ellipsoid ellipse(6378137.,.0066943799901);
//Early and late time from radar image metadata
std::vector<isce3::core::DateTime> timetags;
//Near and far slant range from radar image metadata
std::vector<double> ranges;
//Assume height ranges - can look up an actual DEM as well if needed
//We just use min/max to get approximate bounds
std::vector<double> zrange;
//Wavelength from metadata
double wvl = 0.06;
//Look side from metadata
//Container to store sets of returned results
std::vector<double> lats;
std::vector<double> lons;
//For each time-tag
for (int tt=0; tt<timetags.size(); tt++)
//Azimuth time to interpolate w.r.t reference epoch of orbit
double tintp = timetags[tt].secondsSinceEpoch(orbit.refEpoch);
//For each slant range
for(int rr=0; rr<ranges.size(); rr++)
//Slant range to pixel
double rng = ranges[rr];
//For each height
for(int zz=0; zz<zrange.size(); zz++)
//To store Lon/Lat/Hae of target
//Constant height DEM
isce3::geometry::DEMInterpolator constDEM(zrange[zz]);
//Map target to DEM assuming Zero Doppler geometry
int status = isce3::geometry::rdr2geo(tintp, //aztime
rng, //slant range
0., //doppler
llh, //output LLH
wvl, //wavelength
side, //lookside
5.0e-2, //distance threshold
2, //primary iterations
0, //secondary iterations,
//Convert to degrees
lons.push_back(llh[0] * 180.0/M_PI);
lats.push_back(llh[1] * 180.0/M_PI);
auto lonresult = std::minmax_element(lons.begin(), lons.end());
std::cout << "Lon limits (deg): " << lons[lonresult.first - lons.begin()] << " "
<< lons[lonresult.second - lons.begin()] << "\n";
auto latresult = std::minmax_element(lats.begin(), lats.end());
std::cout << "Lat limits (deg): " << lats[latresult.first - lats.begin()] << " "
<< lats[latresult.second - lats.begin()] << "\n";
return 0;

Inverse mapping - locating corner reflectors

In this example, we will demonstrate the inverse mapping algorithm by using it to determine the location of a known target in a radar image.

#include "isce3/core/LookSide.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//Read in orbit from file
//Create WGS84 ellipsoid
isce3::core::Ellipsoid ellipse(6378137.,.0066943799901);
//Known targets / corner reflector locations - can be read in from a file
std::vector<isce3::core::cartesian_t> targets;
targets.push_back( isce3::core::cartesian_t{{131.55, 32.85, 475.}});
targets.push_back( isce3::core::cartesian_t{{131.65, 32.95, 150.}});
double wvl = 0.06;
//Look side
//We will create a fake product with relevant metadata for use
isce3::product::ImageMode mode;
std::array<size_t,2> dims{{1500,1000}};
mode.dataDimensions(dims); //1500 lines x 1000 pixels
mode.rangeBandwidth(20.0e6); //Dummy
isce3::core::DateTime t0("2016-04-08T09:13:55.454821");
isce3::core::DateTime t1("2016-04-08T09:14:10.454821");
//Create Doppler polynomial - Zero Doppler for now
isce3::core::Poly2d dop(0,0,0.,0.,1.,1.);
for (int tt=0; tt<targets.size(); tt++)
double rng;
double aztime;
//Convert from degrees to radians
llh[0] = targets[tt][0] * M_PI / 180.0;
llh[1] = targets[tt][1] * M_PI / 180.0;
llh[2] = targets[tt][2];
isce3::geometry::geo2rdr( llh, //Target location
ellipse, //Ellipsoid
orbit, //Orbit
dop, //Doppler
mode, //Product metadata
aztime, //Estimated azimuth time
rng, //Estimated slant range
side, //Look side
1.0e-8, //Convergence threshold
51, //Number of iterations
std::cout << "Target at: " << targets[tt][0] << " " << targets[tt][1] << " " << targets[tt][2] << "\n";
std::cout << "Estimated line number: " << (aztime - mode.startAzTime().secondsSinceEpoch(orbit.refEpoch)) * mode.prf() / mode.numberAzimuthLooks() << "\n";
std::cout << "Estimated pixel number: " << (rng - mode.startingRange())/mode.rangePixelSpacing() / mode.numberRangeLooks() << "\n\n";
return 0;

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